UNIT 1: Introduction to Physical Education (05 Marks)
Meaning and Concept of Physical Education
Aims and Objectives of Physical Education
Mental Development
Social Development
Emotional Development
Neuro-Muscular Development
Changing Trends in Physical Education
Unit 2 : Physical Fitness (10 Marks)
Meaning and Concept
Components of Physical Fitness
Coordinative Ability
Development of Physical Fitness through Games and Sports
Unit 3 : Measurement of Growth (5 Marks)
Measurement of Height & Weight
Body Mass Index
Body Composition (Lean Body Mass, Fat Percentage)
Formulas for 2 sites/3 sites
Waist and Hip Ratio
Unit 4 : First Aid Measures (5 Marks)
Meaning and Concept
Introduction to general Sports Injuries
Soft Tissue
Bone and Joint Dislocation
PRICER and its Effects
Unit 5 : Sociological Aspects of Physical Education (15 Marks)
Meaning and Concept of sports culture, society
Role of Family, School in Sports Socialization
Role of Society in Sports Socialization
Unit 6 : Physical Activity and Differently abled Children (10 Marks)
Physical Education Programmes for Physical Challenged
Physical Education Programmes for Visually Impaired
Physical Education Programmes for Dumb and Deaf
Unit 7 : Community Recreation (5Marks)
Meaning and Concept of Recreation
Recreational activities for different age groups
Recreational activities for family
Unit 8 : Sports and Human Resources (10Marks)
Role of Sports in creating fit citizens
Fit citizen as an asset for the family, society and nation
Fit citizen and productivity
Unit 9 : Adventure Sports (05Marks)
Meaning and Objective
Introduction to the concept of Camping and Tracking
To organize Site, Materials required and safety measures
UNIT 1 : ATHLETICS (10Marks)
30/50 mtrs dash, Middle distance, Jumps
Fitness test for class IX should be conducted on the basis of the AAPHER test and record should be maintained (50 Mtrs dash, Pull ups, Flexed arm hang, Sit up foe I min, Shuttle run 10×4 mtrs, Standing broad jump, 9/12 run and walk)
Any two games : Students are required to play two games out of all the listed sports: